Find Belonging

Early adulthood is all about sorting through what we learned growing up and integrating it into rhythms of adult life. Our Young Adults ministry works to empower young adults to grow in their faith journey by taking ownership of it. To do this, we need a supportive community of both men and women centered around Christ. We seek to foster genuine relationships, encourage authenticity, and provide biblical wisdom for navigating adulthood.

Join our Young Adults Ministry at Woodcreek Church, where our goal is for every young adult to find belonging, cultivate their faith, and practice their faith in meaningful ways. We're more than just a group; we're a vibrant community eager to support each other through early adulthood's unique challenges and opportunities. Whether seeking a sense of community, eager to deepen your spiritual understanding, or looking for ways to live out your beliefs, our ministry is designed to meet you where you are. We provide a safe environment that encourages growth, connection, and authenticity by engaging community groups, mentorship programs, and events. There's a place for you, from our monthly All-YA meetings to various events throughout the year. Join us!

Young Adults Ministry

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2

Key Moments

Young Adults Ministry

YA Community Group

Young Adults Ministry

All YA Gatherings (Monthly)

Young Adults Ministry

Camping Trips (Seasonally)

Young Adults Ministry

Lake Day, Holiday Party (Annually)


This fall we will be practicing spiritual formation by slowing down. We will be reading through the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Marc Comer as we learn to follow Jesus by practicing Sabbath, fasting, and building strong community.

We meet once a month at the church for an All-YA night & in smaller YA Community Groups in homes on the other weeks of the month. Join us at one of the following All-YA nights or contact Taylor Russell to learn more about joining a YA community group.

Upcoming All-YA nights from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Creekside:
- Sept 26
- Oct 24
- Nov 21

- Dec 13

Come and join us!

FAQ: Young Adults Ministry

Woodcreek Church | [email protected]

Joining our ministry is straightforward and welcoming! You can start by attending our Community Groups (CGs), tailored for new adults (18-23) and early career adults (24-30), which meet weekly in various homes. Additionally, our monthly All-YA meetings at the church offer worship, teaching, and games—an excellent way to see what we're about and connect. For details on locations and to jump in, please email Taylor Russell.

Leadership in our ministry is intentionally cultivated from within our community, focusing on young adults leading other young adults. While there isn't a direct application process for new leadership roles, active participation and engagement in our ministry are the pathways to leadership opportunities.

This fall we will be practicing spiritual formation by slowing down. We will be reading through the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Marc Comer as we learn to follow Jesus by practicing Sabbath, fasting, and building strong community.

We will begin meeting on Thursday, August 29 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Creekside.

Absolutely! We organize a variety of events throughout the year, including camping trips, lake days, potlucks, bowling nights, and holiday parties. These events are great opportunities to build friendships and enjoy fellowship outside of our regular meetings.

Keeping up with our events and gatherings is straightforward! To ensure you never miss out on the latest updates, you can reach out to Taylor to join our communication list. Additionally, follow us on our social media channels for real-time announcements and updates. Within each Community Group (CG), we utilize group messaging for direct communication, where leaders disseminate information to members. For broader events, our Communications team helps spread the word through announcements and slides. Stay connected, stay informed, and be a part of everything we have to offer!

Given the nature of our ministry focusing on young adults, childcare is not typically provided during our events and meetings. However, we strive to create an inclusive environment, so please reach out if childcare is a concern for your participation.

Absolutely! Our Young Adults Ministry warmly welcomes everyone, whether you're new to the area or exploring your faith. We offer a supportive environment that encourages questions, discovery of truth, and personal growth

Joining a Community Group for YA is easy and flexible to fit your needs. The best way to start is by reaching out to Taylor Russell, who can guide you to a group that matches your need. Alternatively, you can explore the young adult options on our church-wide community group page and contact the leaders directly. Our aim is to make sure you find a CG where you feel connected and at home.

Yes, our ministry values the impact of mentorship on personal and spiritual development. We facilitate mentorship opportunities through initiatives like our Joining Tables Initiative, which pairs young adults with empty nesters or families. This setup allows for meaningful connections over home-cooked meals for a set period, fostering personal growth and deeper community. Stay tuned for our next round!

For any questions or further information about the Young Adults Ministry, please don't hesitate to contact Taylor at [email protected].

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Meet the Team

Taylor Russell, Connections & Young Adults Pastor

"I remember when I was in college someone challenged me with this: “Give Christ your 20’s and he will give you a life worth living.” That piece of advice set me on a trajectory that morphed my desires, built my community, and gave me a hope that nothing else in this world has been able to offer. If you are a YA my prayer is that regardless of where you are in your faith journey (maybe things are going great, maybe you're just barely hanging on to your childhood faith, or maybe you’re just now exploring Christianity for the first time) that you would give Christ your YA years. Take the step to be known by a community of people seeking to learn & practice the way of Jesus. Press in to know the Bible and live in the grace and freedom of God.” - Taylor Russell