Aligning Marriages with God's Plan

Our Marriage Ministry centers on three key areas: Prepare, Enrich, and Repair. Every marriage fits these categories, as you're either preparing for, enjoying, or seeking guidance to realign your marriage—with your spouse and God. Marriage is hard, but marriage is good because it’s from God!

We want everyone married to experience the riches of a thriving marriage relationship. When a couple is connecting well, they will experience God's holiness in their lives and a happiness that only comes from the Lord.

A group of people standing around in front of a screen.
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A large group of people sitting at tables in front of a projector screen.

Our Marriage Ministry aims to support couples at every stage of their relationship. Whether you're preparing for marriage, seeking to enrich your bond, or need guidance for realignment, we provide resources and support to help you build a relationship that honors God and brings you both joy.

Key Moments


Merge is a 9-session premarital class designed to walk seriously dating & engaged couples through some of the most vital conversations and realities in preparation for marriage.

Schedule & Location: Merge classes are offered twice a year (Spring & Fall). If one of these times doesn't fit your schedule, please contact us about finding an alternative.

Details: Email [email protected] to learn more.


A 6-week course designed to enrich your marriage by recognizing each other as God's treasured gifts.

Details: We offer a variety of 1-2 month courses throughout the year for couples to engage in. These courses, such as "Cherish" & "Art of Marriage," encourage couples to take joy in their marriage and assess the health of their relationships. Additionally, we are hoping to launch "Marriage Mentor Couples" soon for couples looking to have one-on-one practical help in their marriages.

Schedule & Location: Courses typically take place during the 9:15 services on Sunday mornings. Check the "Events" tab to see what Enrichment courses are coming soon.

Assess & Repair

ReEngage is our 15-week program utilizing trained leaders, large groups, and small groups, to guide you & your spouse through a process of restoration and alignment with God's purposes. Whether your marriage is at a 1 and you are just looking to get it to a 2 OR you're at an 8 and hoping to get to a 9, Re-Engage focuses on injecting hope and transformation into ANY marriage.

Schedule & Location: Our next Re-engage course will launch in Fall 2024. Stay tuned for more details.

Details: Childcare is available. $30/couple covering the cost of your workbook.

"With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:2-3, ESV

Volunteer Opportunities

We are in the process of reworking our volunteer onboarding process for Marriage Ministry. In the meantime, please email [email protected] to share your areas of interest and how those could meet a need within our church body.

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A round symbol with a heart and a ring in it.

For the Marriage Ministry

We are working on streamlining this process! Reach out to [email protected] to be kept in the know!  

Meet the Team

A man standing in front of a red wall.

Taylor Russell | Connections & Young Adults Pastor
[email protected]