Women ages 13 to 103

Friends who have honest conversations on difficult topics grounded in the Word of God.

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”.

Ephesians 4:11-16

Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry's guiding goal is to help women be "friends who have honest conversations on real topics grounded in the Word of God. Looking ahead, our goals are thoughtfully structured to deepen women's understanding and practice of the Bible and life following Jesus. 

  • Three-Year Goal (2027) : For every woman at Woodcreek to be independently proficient at studying the Bible. We empower each woman with skills and confidence to study God's Word, cultivating personal and spiritual growth.
  • Five-Year Goal (2029) : For every woman at Woodcreek to actively participate in discipleship. This means that each woman will be a student and mentor at the same time. This cycle of teaching and learning will deepen the spiritual fabric, making discipleship a living, breathing rhythm that impacts our community.

Key Moments

Women's Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study is about learning from scriptures and connecting in community.

  • Evening Sessions: Starting Tuesday, January 21 from 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
  • Morning Sessions: Starting Wednesday, January 22 from 9:30 – 11:30 A.M.

Location: Creekside, spanning across two semesters.

Additional Information: Childcare is available, though limited, so please secure a place for your child in advance.

“The Women’s Ministry at Woodcreek Church is a ‘game changer’ for me. After 50+ years in the church, for the first time, I am learning how to study God’s Word for myself. It has opened my mind and my heart to so much of His truth. I am forever grateful!”

– Lin Stonehouse

Stories & Songs 

Our annual all-women's event, Stories & Songs, celebrates the power and uniqueness of our personal stories and the emotional resonance of music. Join us for an evening filled with stories of faithfulness, the opportunity to build friendships, and of course, enjoy delicious treats.

  • When: A special Tuesday evening gathering
  • Where: Church Auditorium and Atrium

“This community of uplifting, supportive and encouraging women who gather to study the Bible and connect in a safe environment have truly helped me grow in my faith and development to glorify God. I also love how we pray for each other, for the good times and bad, and how fun it is when we get together!”

– Gilda Janak


DWELL is our annual gathering for women, designed to immerse us in worship, teaching, and the joy of friendship. With a flexible location and duration tailored to serve our women's needs best each year, DWELL is a time to slow down, listen to the Lord, and be surrounded by friends.

  • Frequency: Annually
  • Details: Location and duration vary. Stay tuned for more information.


"An invitation to Dwell brought me to Woodcreek Church. I went to both Dwell conferences and the atmosphere was truly inviting and caring. The teachings are centered around women for women. Small groups allowed intimate conversations about the teachings. My small group formed relationships that I still cherish today. I was in a small group with Tammy Scott and now I serve with her in KidCreek."

-Carrie Hudson

Mexican Indian Training Center

Our longstanding partnership with the Mexican Indian Training Center in Cordoba, Mexico, is rich with a legacy of friendships and commitment. Each year, we go on a mission trip to support the center, tailoring our efforts to meet their current needs.

  • Frequency: Annually
  • Timing: Varies each year, dependent on the specific needs of the Mexican Indian Training Center


“Even though this was my first time to MITC, from the first warm “Ben Venido!” to the final “Adios!” I felt as if I were at home – and I don’t even speak Spanish! Through the teaching, the Holy Spirit spoke encouragement to me regarding a long-time prayer concern.”

– Barbara Deatherage

Spanish Women's Bible Study

Te invitamos a estudiar con nosotras: "Diez Mujeres de la Biblia." Una a una cambiaron el mundo.

Martes por la noche, de 19 a 21 horas.

Hay guardería disponible.

We invite you to come and study with us: Ten Women of the Bible." One by one they changed the world.

Tuesday evening, 7-9 PM.

Childcare is available.


I’m New

We are thrilled you're interested in connecting with our Women's Ministry. Our ministry is dedicated to fostering a warm, welcoming community where women can grow spiritually, build meaningful relationships, and deepen their faith. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of classes and studies designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of women at different stages of their spiritual journey. Whether you're looking to explore your faith, seek guidance, or simply want to connect with other like-minded women, there's a place for you here! 

Connect With Us Today

Volunteer Opportunities

Women's Ministry volunteer leading a discussion.

There are leadership or behind-the-scenes roles for women seeking to use their gifts to glorify God and encourage others.

If you want to get started, please email [email protected] or complete the form below and select "Women's Ministry." We can't wait to hear from you!

Women's Ministry volunteer leading a discussion.

If you are interested in leading within Women's Ministry, complete the application below. After applying, you will meet with a team member!

Coach opportunities (leading Bible Study leaders) are available after two years of  leadership. Our goal is to develop leaders and women, ensuring no one is solely responsible for the spiritual growth of others.

Get Connected

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For All Church:

My Church Center by Planning Center is the fastest way to get information about Woodcreek Church. This is church-wide and not just for Women’s Ministry.

Download the app today!

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For Women’s Ministry:

We are working on streamlining this process, but for now, email [email protected] so we can be sure to keep you in the loop! 

Meet the Team

Sarah Davidson, Women's Ministry Director

Sarah Davidson | Women’s Ministry Director
[email protected] 

Michelle Trippe, Care & Women's Coordinator

Michelle Trippe | Women’s Ministry Coordinator 
[email protected]

“My goal is to foster and facilitate the spiritual development of women; to go after Jesus and His way with you. I can’t wait to be your friend!” - Sarah Davidson