Building English Skills Together

At the core, our vision has always been to teach English and build relationships. These foundational elements enable the BEST program to achieve our mission: "Welcome, Serve, and Empower those in our community."

Fall 2024 registration for new students begins on Tuesday, August 13, and Thursday, August 15, at 9:15 a.m. in the Education Building of Woodcreek Church.

Fall 2024 registration for returning students begins on Monday, August 19 at 9:15 a.m. in the Education Building of Woodcreek Church.

If possible, please complete our short registration form online and then you will take a test on campus to determine the right class and book for you.

Questions? Email [email protected] 

Click below for ESL Class Registration

En el fondo, nuestra visión siempre ha sido enseñar inglés y construir relaciones. Estos elementos fundamentales permiten que el programa BEST logre nuestra misión: "Dar la bienvenida, servir y empoderar a aquellos en nuestra comunidad".

La inscripción para el otoño de 2024 para nuevos estudiantes comienza el martes 13 y jueves 15 de agosto a las 9:15 a.m. en el edificio de educación de la iglesia Woodcreek.

La inscripción para el otoño de 2024 para los estudiantes que regresan comienza el lunes 19 de agosto a las 9:15 a.m. en el edificio de educación de la iglesia Woodcreek.

Si es posible, complete nuestro breve formulario de inscripción en línea y luego tomará una prueba en el campus para determinar la clase y el libro adecuados para usted.

¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]Haga clic abajo para la inscripción a clases de ESL

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Registration and Cost

Class Schedule and Location

Curriculum and Teaching

Attendance and Participation

Progress and Assessment

Additional Resources


Community and Support

Contact Information


Key Moments

  • Registration Opens: Each fall we open our doors to our ESL neighbors to help empower them to thrive in DFW.
  • Hospitality Cart: Each Monday and Thursday we get to show gospel hospitality to our students by providing them with treats from Panera Bread.
  • BEST Kids: This part of our ministry strives to prepare to excel in children for English-speaking schools.



Regístrese para la clase haciendo clic en el botón de abajo:




The Lord says, “I will guide you along the BEST pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8, NLT


For the Fall 2024 semester, we are actively seeking Hospitality Team Members. Email us at [email protected] to learn more!


Email us anytime at [email protected]

Meet the Team

Kay Hurley, BEST Director

Kay Hurley | BEST Director