Dedication Sunday | Jan 2025
We asked Erin Duke to share a little about what Dedication Sunday means at Woodcreek Church. While we often think of dedication in the context of parents and their children, it’s also for anyone in a guardian role who is seeking to raise those in their care to know, love, and follow Jesus. At its heart, dedication is about disciples making disciples.
Our next Dedication Sunday is January 26, and we still have one spot open during the 9:15 service.

Why Is Dedication Sunday Important for the Child, the Guardian, and Our Church Family?
At Woodcreek Church, we recognize that the children in our care are not our own. God is the author of life, and each child is part of His plan and purpose. Dedication Sunday is a celebration of the gift we have received from God, as well as a commitment to align ourselves with His plan.
For the Parent or Guardian
Dedication Sunday is an opportunity to acknowledge our need for God’s wisdom, guidance, and strength in raising children. The gift of a child draws us to depend on Him daily—and sometimes minute by minute.
As Christians, our greatest goal is for those in our care to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are called to be the primary disciple-makers in our homes, teaching them about God and encouraging them to internalize a love for the Lord. Thankfully, God doesn’t leave us to navigate this calling alone.
In His love, God provides a path. Deuteronomy 6:4–9 reminds us:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
We are called to honor God’s Word in our lives, teaching those in our care to love and respect Him. Our role is to provide spiritual and moral training, partnering with God to shape their lives.
For the Church Family
God’s goodness extends beyond giving us a path; He also places us within a church family. At Woodcreek, we are here to walk alongside you on your journey.
When we participate in Dedication Sunday, we are not only celebrating a guardian’s commitment to raising children according to God’s Word, but also stepping into a shared responsibility as a church to support families in this calling.
Woodcreek exists to glorify God by encouraging and helping others to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Starting with our littlest learners in Kidcreek, we honor our core values:
- Biblically Faithful
- Relationally Centered
- Outreach Oriented
- Worship Focused
Through our children’s and student ministries, we provide opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth. Beyond these, we equip families through biblical preaching, theology classes, care ministries, Bible studies, and family-focused events.
We encourage our congregation to come to Timbers after each service to offer support to these new families. While the reception refreshments are reserved for the families being dedicated and their invited guests, it would be wonderful to see people from all stages of life briefly stop in to share their encouragement and let these families know they are being prayed for.
For the Child
As parents or guardians, we are the greatest spiritual influence in the lives of those we care for. While we all fall short of God’s glory, we have the opportunity to model repentance and submission to God’s Word. Let them see you:
- Confessing when you mess up.
- Seeking forgiveness.
- Turning to God’s Word for wisdom and guidance.
By doing so, you not only teach about God’s grace but also show the joy of walking in His ways.
Let’s come together as a church family on January 26 for Dedication Sunday, celebrating the privilege and responsibility of raising the next generation to know, love, and follow Jesus. This is not just a moment for parents and guardians—it’s a commitment for all of us.
Together, we are disciples making disciples — one child, one family, one step at a time.
Erin Duke | Kidcreek Assistant Director