60+ | Adult Senior’s Ministry

A little over two years ago a small group of Woodcreek members saw a need, and they stepped out in faith to launch a special ministry for Woodcreek “seniors.” It started as Senior Friends, and a few months ago the name and identity changed to “60+ Ministry.”

This focused ministry exists to address the “felt needs” of those who are ages 60+ in the church. 

The 60+ vision is to be a channel, avenue, or vehicle for service to each other, the church at large, and the community.

Further, the vision also involves being a resource to the 60+ folks to see their future repurposed and valuable in the service of Jesus.

And, finally, to be a resource in equipping the 60+ folks for engagement in personal ministry.

60+ ministry activities are organized into these categories: Preparing, Serving, Growing, Enjoying, and Shepherding. There are opportunities for you to be part of 60+ in one of these ministry categories.

We’d love to speak with you about them and where you may have a heart to have an impact for Jesus.

Dana Heter | 60+ Ministry Volunteer


60+ Ministry