Middle School | Retreat 2024

By the time a student reaches the age of 13, their worldview has been established. That means that by the time they are ready to leave middle school, they already have a perspective of the world and tend to live based on that perspective.  

The Middle School age is where students are a little too old to be doing kid things, but young enough not to feel like they are ready to do adult things. So what do we do if it seems like we don’t fit in either category? The answer is simple, love them where they are at

We can’t expect them to grow up and mature whenever they are in this new stage of life, but what we can expect is for them to go through multiple stages of change to figure out who they are and what they believe. This might be one of the most challenging stages of life to go through and many of us don’t ever want to relive what we call the ugly ducking stage. However, this is a huge moment to instill a firm foundation in the Lord. 

This is why Middle School Ministry exists at Woodcreek Church.

We understand their life stage, as well as the great opportunity that exists! This is where we get to mix silly and serious together to make memories that will last a lifetime. We get to dive in the scriptures to solidify their faith in Jesus, but we also invest a great deal in community. One way we are combining these elements is by hosting a Middle School Retreat!

Retreats are special weekends where we take a break from our everyday life and we focus on our overall health as individuals and as a community. Our 2024 retreat’s theme is Crossroads, and it is rooted in Proverbs 3:5-6. With so many things that are constantly grabbing the attention of students in today’s society, they are either going to lead the students closer to God, or away from God. This will be an ongoing battle, but what can ultimately change the course of their life is their foundation in Jesus and trusting Him with everything.

We will be having three main sessions. We will be exploring God’s Word, singing praises, playing mini games, and participating in large group activities to foster relationships. The retreat will start on August 9 at 6:00 p.m. and end on August 10 at 6:00 p.m. This overnight event will challenge students to grow in their knowledge and trust in the Lord and to build relationships with their peers. You can learn more and register by clicking below. Hurry-we are almost at max capacity.

Please be in prayer with us as we are a month out from hosting this event at SpringHill Retreat Center! We are excited to see how the Lord will stir hearts to follow Him!

Mone Vu | Middle School Director

SpringHill Retreat Center Lodge

August 9 – 19, 2024